Clouds are expanding all over the world. We need to adapt to changing environments. Cloud Computing is present in relevant IT industry sectors with high performance Levels. But why do we need Cloud? Why is it important to use Cloud technology in E-commerce and what chances offers the Cloud for our Ecosystem and Community? These are essential topics that persons who manage small, medium and large online shops need to know to make strategic decisions, create visions and inspire their customers. Are there alternatives? Let us grow together!
Key Account Manager Shopware
Nicolas Girardi has a double degree in Business Administration from the ITESM in Mexico and the University of Muenster in Germany, followed by a M.Sc. in Economics. In addition to his international engagement he has 6 years of work experience in fields as Sales, E-commerce, Tourism, Finance and Economics. Nicolas is employed in the international Account Management of shopware AG and is also a lecturer in Business Administration at the University of Applied Science Muenster.
Clouds are expanding all over the world. Necessity to adapt to changing environments is the reality. Cloud Computing is present in relevant IT industry sectors with high performance Levels. But why do we need Cloud? Why is it important to consider Cloud technology in E-commerce and what are advantages and alternatives to it? These are essential topics that persons managing small, medium and large online shops need to know about to make strategic decisions, create visions and inspire their customers. Let us grow together!
Shopware is a leading ecommerce system and used by some of the largest European brands, retailers and manufacturers across B2C and B2B industries. As a trendsetting open source solution, Shopware gives retailers the freedom to quickly and easily realise their growth potential - with more flexibility and less complexity. Today, more than 100,000 companies rely on a Shopware solution, with all retailers - from start-ups to enterprise - generating a combined turnover of 5.8 billion euros in 2018.